Merseyside Fencing, fencing contractor

Who Owns Which Side of a Fence?


Who owns which side of a fence? When it comes to property boundaries, one question that often arises is who owns which side of a fence. In the UK, the ownership of a boundary fence can sometimes be a bit of a gray area. In this blog post, we will explore the general principles surrounding boundary fences and shed some light on this common source of confusion.

who owns which side of a fence

Understanding Boundary Fences

Boundary fences are typically erected to separate the land of adjoining properties. They serve to define the boundaries and provide privacy and security for homeowners. However, it is important to note that the ownership of a boundary fence is not always straightforward.

The General Rule

The general rule in the UK is that the owner of the property on the left-hand side (when facing the road) is responsible for maintaining the left-hand boundary fence, while the owner of the property on the right-hand side is responsible for maintaining the right-hand boundary fence. This is known as the “general rule of thumb.”

Agreements and Trespass

It is worth mentioning that the general rule is not set in stone. Property owners may come to different agreements regarding the maintenance and ownership of boundary fences. These agreements can be made in writing or through verbal agreements.

It is also important to note that if a fence is erected on one side of the boundary line, the owner of the property on the other side should not trespass on their neighbor’s land without permission to carry out maintenance or repairs on the fence.

Boundary Fences and Boundaries Act 1995 relating to – Who owns which side of a fence.

Another important piece of legislation to consider is the Boundaries Act 1995. This act states that the boundary line between properties is presumed to be the center of the dividing fence or wall. However, this presumption can be rebutted by evidence to the contrary, such as the existence of a previous agreement between the parties involved.

Resolving who owns which side of a fence?

Who owns which side of a fence disputes can arise between neighbours. If you find yourself in such a situation, it is advisable to try and resolve the issue amicably through communication and negotiation. Mediation can also be a helpful tool in resolving disputes without resorting to legal action.

If all else fails, seeking legal advice from a solicitor who specializes in property law can provide you with the guidance and support needed to navigate the complexities of boundary fence disputes.

Who owns which side of a fence – Conclusion.

While the general rule of thumb suggests that the owner of the left-hand property is responsible for the left-hand boundary fence, and the owner of the right-hand property is responsible for the right-hand boundary fence, it is important to remember that agreements and circumstances can vary. Communication, negotiation, and legal advice are key in resolving any disputes that may arise.

So, if you’re wondering who owns which side of a boundary fence between properties in the UK, it’s best to consult the specific circumstances and agreements between the property owners involved. After all, good fences make good neighbours.

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